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Showing posts from December, 2018

Interviews in FoodPacific Manufacturing Journal 2018

In just a few weeks we say goodbye to another year of interesting happenings in the world of food and beverage. I'd like to look back at some of the companies we featured earlier this year in the Boardroom Connection section of FoodPacific Manufacturing Journal ( FPMJ ) .  BusinessBests Innovacon Inc.  We started the year's first issue with an interview with Dr Elaine Borazon , a food technologist and lecturer from The University of the Philippines in Diliman, and currently also CEO of BusinessBests Innovacon Inc. which partners with local companies to improve their food safety and food processing practices. She says, "BusinessBests Innovacon Inc. was established in December 2016 out of the desire to assist small and medium businesses transform their workplace from a so-called “backyard” operations to a systematic, regulatory conforming organisation." Dr Borazon has been a resource speaker at the Asia Food and Beverage Summit for several times now on topic