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Showing posts from December, 2022

Siemens to host C-suite event on digital transformation in Indonesia

  Operating in today's business climate has become increasingly challenging for manufacturers especially in the food and beverage sector. The effects of global crises have slowed growth and profit over the past three years, holding back the ability of companies to drive product innovation, address future trends, and ventures that will raise their profitability.   In Indonesia, government through the G20 Presidency, adopted the slogan “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” to inspire cooperation in seeking out recovery solutions. Among its priorities is to harness digital transformation particularly to strengthen MSMEs. In this context, Siemens together with partner Ringier Events will hold an exclusive roundtable, titled “Recover Stronger with Digital Transformation - Strengthening your business towards the triple bottom line (People, Planet, Profit)” at the The Langham in Jakarta, on 22 February 2023, from 9:30am to 1:00pm (SGT). This conference will be a venue for C-level...

Bringing innovative, sustainable food concepts to life

 WITH its attractive GDP and population growth numbers, Asia is the target market for global industry players. For the food and beverage sector, the region’s diversity can be both a challenge and an opportunity. From the influential Gen Z in Southeast Asia, to the ageing population in Japan and the rising affluent consumers in China, manufacturers must be able to meet the wide-ranging needs of their chosen markets.     With presence in 14 countries in Greater Asia, IFF, a leader in taste and food ingredients, knows this diversity well, and has been helping customers understand the region’s complex demographic profile. Just this year, the company inaugurated a high-tech Singapore Innovation Centre to integrate its technologies, capabilities and expertise in its business divisions: Nourish, Health & Biosciences, Scent and Pharma Solutions.  With the new hub, IFF aims to better support Asia-based customers by accelerating their innovation and expanding co-creat...

The new generation of primary foam closure gasket

  Gloryfoam PE foam liner, a newly developed product model 54SP, has two sides laminated with special PP film which allows the company to meet several market needs as below: Traditional induction backing usually uses pulpboard or single layer PE foam gasket for second seal application. Having considered the lined closure with paper pulpboard can’t be sent for recycling, the market requests lined closure changed to similar plastic with sustainability.  Model 54SP can provide perfect second seal barrier function without having to deal with such problems as sticking together or popping out after induction heat. It is fully recyclable as an induction liner backing or primary liner for closure wadding application. The PIR 54SP liner can be applied for more aggressive cosmetic/skin care product creams or lotion packing. PP facing with both sides laminated provide excellent high barrier function to avoid yellowish issue even if the product has been packed for over two years. In t...