Mettler Toledo anticipates continued upward trend for food inspection technologies and solutions.
“In the next five years, we're going to see big changes in the industry as most of the big players become fully digitalised,” shares Niall McRory, global key account manager, Mettler Toledo.
Niall McRory, global key account manager, Mettler Toledo |
When asked about the changes he speaks of, and how these will advance food safety and quality, McRory explains, "Consumers, governments and standards organisations are demanding full transparency of the food supply chain, and digitalisation can deliver this, as well as providing food manufacturers and their supply chain partners with a wealth of benefits. By giving every food product a unique and traceable serial code, its journey from farm to fork can be proven. In food manufacturers’ facilities, this serialisation helps smooth the progress of products through Critical Control Points (CCPs) on the production line, as well as making the creation and retrieval of compliance documentation more efficient."
The pandemic has certainly become a catalyst for so many of these changes. "The effects of the COVID pandemic remain with us in terms of the “new normal” of food and beverage consumption. Specifically, the Home Meal Replacement (HMR) market is showing accelerated growth, likely caused by the pandemic," he says.
McRory also cites a Mordor Intelligence report that forecast the meal replacement products market valued at US$ 11 billion in 2020, to witness a CAGR of 7.64% in the period from 2021 to 20261, with Asia-Pacific seen as the fastest growing geographical sector.
"The HMR market is a sector where Mettler-Toledo’s product inspection technology, such as metal detectors and x-ray systems, perform critical quality assurance checks that enable food manufacturers to realise these market opportunities."
McRory adds that the market for metal detectors is driven by the fact that "both food and beverage producers and consumers have become accustomed to a “new norm” through the impact of coronavirus and subsequent social distancing and lockdowns."
CONTINUE READING THIS REPORT: Automation, digitalisation steer food inspection innovations
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