I was at the product launch hosted by packaging company Detpak at the Makati Diamond Residences in Manila earlier this month. In a simple gathering of local food and beverage companies, Detpak Group brand manager, Marisa Jones presented their latest products and services. In particular, she spoke about Launch Pad, the company’s new R&D division created to help food and beverage manufacturers with customized packaging designs. The R&D team boasts one day to turn an idea to a prototype ready for market testing. Ms Jones explained the benefits of their packaging for fast foods, hot beverages, whole cakes as well as their new cost-saving table napkins with dispenser. During her presentation, samples of these packaging were being passed around for customers to evaluate. I was in the company of representatives from Goldilocks, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and foodservice providers who were generally impressed with the products. The Good 2 Go Bag and the Sm...